Saturday, June 1, 2013

songs in the night

Songs in the night

Job 35:10
New International Version (NIV)
10 But no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker,
    who gives songs in the night,

Going through the dark times with Don as the cancer was slowly taking his life, this was the verse that was sustaining to me.  Not just the verse itself but that God would give me songs I the night or darkness to refresh, renew, help, lesson the pain, or even cover up the pain with his words.  They may hav e been real praise songs or words fromHis word that were the sustainers.   

moving. forward,  feb 16 ,2013,  two days after another first , valentines day, God brought that verse out for the study of Paul and Silas in jail.. They sang praise songs iIn the night and Gods earthquake released them from their chains.  But more than that the jailer and his family were released from their earthly chains of sin through paul and Silas'  testimony.  The jailer knew the right question to ask -what must I do to be saved??? He had been listening to their songs, no doubt..

Perusing through the news of the week, is was reported that some of the passengers on board the cruise ship "even had Bible Studies to pass the time."  What an interesting note, that it was even noted in the national press or by passengers aboard the stranded ship.

What a reminder that God is truly there for each of us in the "nighttime watches"..

What songs is God using In your life?  Those in the night?  Are we waiting for that " joy in the morning "?  That release from the darkness?  Or are we still listening to the songs in the night or can we now sing praises  In the day?  What part of the journey are each on?

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