Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gopher holes and. Cattle trails....

I am not trying to r disrespectful of God's word in anyway and I hope this doesn't offend anyone. If it does, please forgive me.  It was just amusing as I wondered around this morning among the gopher holes and cattle trampled ditches.  Grateful I am not the one having take care of all this....but appreciative of those who do.....

I am at Mary and Dustin's place In eastern Oregon.. They live  "off the grid" with solar power, with a back up generator.  They just built this place this last winter. ...Now for all the outside stuff, yard, fences, boundaries of yard, etc.   

Their irrigate their fields, About 180 acres , with pivots.  Their biggest problem at this point is that the gophers and cattle don't stay inside or outside the field boundaries...especially the gophers don't seem to realize that they are not wanted Inside the irrigated fields and continue to dig tunnels, holes InThe fields as well in the ditch banks..which causes a lot of problems.

The cattle  are better, but still at times desire that one green morsel just a little further than the fence will stretch...

In the Old Testament , Numbers, Deuteronomy , Joshua, God speaks of the boundaries of each tribe in their new lands as promised...for the people, not gophers... 

Deuteronomy 19:14
Do not move your neighbor’s boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess.

But the gophers and cattle seem to Ignore the boundaries that the various farmers want set..

Deuteronomy 27:17
“Cursed is anyone who moves their neighbor’s boundary stone.” Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

I do believe that some people would even say that the gophers would be worthy of being cursed!!!

There is even a bounty paid for each gopher caught. farmer has already trapped over 3600!  That is hard to believe but true.   

But the gophers seem to continue to prosper even though they are hunted.  They dig tunnels taking away the water meant for the fields , digging tunnels-weakening the banks of the ditches,  eating the roots of the crops,  I think their words would be the following verse...
Psalm 16:6
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

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