Saturday, June 1, 2013



Today is our anniversary . We were challenged early in our marriage to celebrate monthly instead of just yearly, our anniversary .  I am soooo very glad we did.  It never was a burden.  It never got old. even our kids knew we did it...

Now, it is again each month a reminder of our full, interesting life. We were rewarded in so many ways, 43+ years, four amazing children and their spouses, wonderful grandchildren, faith builders along the way, blessings beyond measure in friends and resources, .....God Himself.

I thank God each day for He provided.

Looking at widows in the Bible, seven come to mind. There are others as well...

first, Naomi and Ruth.  They seemed to each have had a rocky start, some bumps, losses, but in their faithfulness became ancestors to King David and eventually in the linage of Christ.

Second, Bathsheba. Even though she wasn't a widow at first glance, she became one, lost a child . And eventually, she also became part of the linage of  


Another, the poor widow and the oil... God provides in her life in a miraculous way, showing  His faithfulness to her, her children and a picture of faithful to us.

Anna, in the New Testament,  what diligence to be rewarded after many years of waiting in the Temple to actually see the Christ child.

Further ,  a poor widow, mentioned because of her generosity  at the temple.  She personally knew that God would provide for her needs . 

She gave in her poverty and never knew her reward would be written for all to see in the Word we hold dear..

Lastly, Mary, the mother of Jesus. she held so much in her heart from events over Christ's life. She watched in agony as her son was hung on the cross, losing her son, but gaining a Savior and Lord. 

She was  still on His mind as he hung there, he surrendered her to John's care as He gave his life for the whole world .

All these women left a legacy that God provided in very different, but important ways. He left their stories for us to read and see.  They were flesh and blood with real emotions, needs....He took care of each of them in different ways just as he takes care of us uniquely...

He was their refuge, comfort, strength, ....

Isaiah 54:5
For your Maker is your husband— the Lord Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.

Love to each of you,,,mom

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