Saturday, June 1, 2013


Two years ago, we were counting down the days before the trip to Mongolia To teach VBS to missionary kids...what an exciting time....

So many "setbacks" along the way, we were all learning "flexibility" that year. 

Changes for so many, but we felt God wanted us to we kept moving forward, planning. Packing, repacking...gathering.....meeting ....praying .....

I am so glad we did.....

But, my eyes kept graying over, until I finally went to doctor to get a new prescription before the big trip....I thought....that trip changed my whole summer and learned more about flexibility,,,,with an immediate eye surgery in
Salt lake, another change in plans, no trip for me.... But God had prepared the right person to go instead...what a blessing...

You don't realize how  valuable eyesight is until you almost lose it....I just took it for granted.....not anymore .

God gave us sight for so much:

Adam got to name the animals upon seeing each one...wouldn't that be fun seeing them for the first time?

Adam seeing the first woman....

Noah seeing the first rain, animals two by two walking into the ark....the first rainbow of God's promise ....

Abraham looking out over the promised land.....

Joseph  seeing his brothers....

Moses seeing the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day...seeing the millions of people....the burning bush....the Ten Commandments ....the parted sea....the promised land....

Elisha seeing Elijah taken in a chariot of fire....

David seeing Bathsheba ....his rule .....his sons...

Jeremiah seeing and weeping over his country...

The shepherds seeing the angels proclaiming Jesus' birth ....the baby in the manger...

Jesus' parents seeing Him in the temple....

The blind man seeing ....

Jesus seeing the thousands to feed , care for with compassion.....

Mary seeing her son on the cruel cross...

We see with our hearts, our souls, our minds.....and our eyes....

As we look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith....

See, and enjoy....remember,   It is all a gift.....

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