Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The rose garden

The  rose garden..

This evening I went to Avery Park to the rose garden...I just needed some flowers...everywhere in Corvallis is in bloom it seems...the rhododendrons, the roses and so many other many colors..... So many fragrances....
Yesterday as I was passing by the Wagner home, I stopped and took a couple of pictures of their yard In bloom and sent the pictures to them as they are In Germany, touring around..
...such a delight to see so any flowers everywhere and I can just enjoy them with out the care....

My time at Avery park made me think of the reference in the 
Song of  Solomon

2 I am a rose[b] of Sharon,
    a lily of the valleys.
I had to find out what kind of flower that was I reference.  Not your standard rose, I found...
Dictionary---Many varieties of the rose proper are indigenous to Syria. The famed rose of Damascus is white, but there are also red and yellow roses. In Isa. 35:1 the Hebrew word _habatstseleth_ (found only in these passages), rendered "rose" (R.V. marg., "autumn crocus"), is supposed by some to mean the oleander, by others the sweet-scented narcissus (a native of Palestine), the tulip, or the daisy; but nothing definite can be affirmed regarding it.

The "rose of Sharon" is probably the cistus or rock-rose, several species of which abound in Palestine. "Mount Carmel especially abounds in the cistus, which in April covers some of the barer parts of the mountain with a glow not inferior to that of the Scottish heather." 

Wikipedia ---Cistus, Halimium and Helianthemum are widely cultivated ornamental plants. Their soil requirements are modest, and their hardiness allows them to survive well even the snowy winters of Northern Europe.
Some Cistus species, mostly C. ladanifer, are used to produce an aromatic resin, used in the perfume industry.

Ehow-The Rock Rose (Cistus) is a decorative plant that grows in full sun. It is tolerant of dry, stony soils that lack organic matter. Rock Roses look rich and ornamental even in hot dry areas. The Cistus is one of those plants you can use in a drought tolerant garden that can make a landscape look lush and colorful. It will also grow well on coastlines despite the influence of salt air.

So it grows :
-in rocky places, 
-dry arid climate
-with such an aroma that it can be used for perfume

Wow, is that different from the Corvallis rose gardens....where they have lovely rich,  loamy soil, moisture....
But the aroma, even though different, can be bottled as perfume as well.

Beautiful flowers for a variety of growth zones..
Just like we humans,   God makes us differently for a variety of living circumstances, climates, friends, spouses or not, life experiences...we can thrive , live in contentment or wither to nothing....

I want to thrive, be that rich aroma that brings others to God, to have people breathe deeply of His fragrance,, to see His face, to feel His healing touch, InThe rocky arid place or the rich moist life ....mindful that as In Job we spring up and wither away quickly...our days are few.... 

I would rather  be like the following verse to those around me...and show forth that joy....

Isaiah 35:1
New International Version (NIV)
Joy of the Redeemed

35 The desert and the parched land will be glad;
    the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.
Like the crocus,

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