Wednesday, July 10, 2013

In God's loving arms

"In God's Loving Arms"

I went to visit Don' s gravesite this afternoon after arriving in Corvallis.  That is the first time since last April.   We haven't gotten the stone ordered yet, but the plans are InThe making for that. It is hard to do, I think for all of us.  Then it is really finally saying it is real, there is no turning back...

There is something about writing in stone that makes things so solid , so permanent ....

Don and I had talked about this before..when we went on our trip around the US, we found several places where scripture was written in Stone...within sight of the our Federal government, In state governments as well as local Governments.  It shows how our forefathers were so drawn to God's word as their inspiration.

We have such a heritage in the truth of His Word...

But writing someone's name with dates in stone is so personal...making a historical record ....a statement for the future to read.....

We have the opportunity to give others a picture of ourselves InThe words we choose to write In stone....

God wrote the 10 commandments In  stone...twice..a basis for our treatment of Him, others...

What will be written In stone that about you, me that will read In the future that encourage others?  Give them important words for life ?

Take a walk InThe cemetery, cry for those who have gone, but be encouraged by words written in

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