Sunday, July 7, 2013



Over the years I have come to realize I have grown up with a lot of expectations....some were true , some were false,  some were dreams...some were totally off the wall...

I thought everyone bought Shell gasoline....went to musicals at the community  college....the only movies were the drive In Ones....everyone had the red limbed manzanita trees for Christmas trees as well as  ribbon candy and bubble lights....evergreen forests all looked the giant log made a load for a log forty I would miraculously not have a problem with weight and look great.....that my husband would naturally know how to kids would never argue and behave perfectly at all times....that everyone had hand me down clothes....we would celebrate our 50th anniversary just like our parents and grandparents......people would always be the same....grandparents were always there....things just happened In other families and not grandkids would be the cutest and smartest(of course, we all know that is true) mother's  hair had alway been dark brown... That all women chewed the inside is their cheek to have a crooked smile....

I am sure that I could think of others as well you could....little and big naive am  I    ????

Life is a series of burst expectation bubbles......we can choose to go with the flow or fight it tooth and ail to get our way...we can choose to grow or vegetate , turning sour with unexpected turns In the way....

Each new day can bring surprises...each day is a day which is new , planned. Prepared..

"You are not a victim of circumstances, you are a victim of Gods grace....,". I saw this and it reminded me of today....

Proverbs 19:23
The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.

1 Timothy 6:6
But godliness with contentment is great gain.

I never know when another expectation bubble will be burst...there is no preparing but an open hand...Open .....knowing  that God will take care of it...

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