Sunday, September 1, 2013

Slugs and their slimy legacy....

Slugs and a slimy legacy....

On a recent trip, I went to place that there is an abundance of snail and slugs....
They are fascinating  to watch.  The snails slowly, ever so slowly move along their path to the next plant to eat away at the leaves, their little tentacles moving in and out , their soft bodies gliding over the surfaces with seemingly ease....

The slugs look like miniature bananas, moving slowly also.  But they leave a slimy trail as they move, working their way from plant to plant.  They devour certain plants as well. It is hard to see their mouths and see how they eat, but the plant slowly disappears when they are on it...

As a child, we spread out salt on the slugs to prevent their defoliating the whole garden....they melted away like the witch In "the wizard of oz", but with no sound effects....
But you always see their trail, a shiny, iridescent line from one point to another....
when my mother visited us shortly after we were married, she went to the bathroom, where she stepped on a slug in the night with her slippers on.  The next morning, we laughed about it  as the bottom of her slipper was completely covered with the slim.  For years after, we chuckled about it as even after repeated washing, the iridescent residue was still visible on that slipper...quite the reminder....

In the Bible, slugs are even referred to as a comparison with the wicked ....the psalmist desired that the wicked would go away like the slug as it melts away....what an interesting comparison......

Psalm 58:7 let them vanish like water that flows away;
    when they draw the bow, let their arrows fall short.
8a May they be like a slug that melts away as it moves along,

Lord, I don't want to leave a slimy legacy as time marches on.   help my trail be filled with You....

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