Monday, September 2, 2013

Psalm 23.....a oompete message of comfort and hope

Psalm 23... A complete message.....

I have been listening to the book, "the grand weaver" by Ravi Zacharias.
It is really good, encouraging and uplifting...
We have heard the comparison of our lives to a tapestry weaving where we see the knots from the underside  while God, the designer see the finished picture from the top.

Having been raised In India,  Ravi compares our lives with the intricate weaving of the sari designers of India, each tiny thread added or dropped by the designer with the help  of the son who pushes the shuttle Back and forth for months on end until the sari is completed for the bride to wear on her wedding day...

In one section, he talks about the completeness of the message in Psalm 23. So this didn't originate with he or me...but was so good...

Psalm 23

1 The Lord is my shepherd,                                                       Relationship 
 I lack nothing.                                                                                Supply
2     He makes me lie down in green pastures,                    Rest
he leads me beside quiet waters,                                              Refreshment
3     he refreshes my soul.                                                          Healing
He guides me along the right paths.                                        Guidance
    for his name’s sake.                                                                  Purpose 
4 Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a].                                             Testing
I will fear no evil,                                                                             Protection
    for you are with me;                                                                  Faithfulness
your rod and your staff,                                                              Discipline
    they comfort me.                                                                        Comfort
5 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.                                             Hope
You anoint my head with oil;                                                      Consecration 
    my cup overflows.                                                                     Abundance
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me.           
    all the days of my life,                                                              Blessing
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord.                                Security
    forever.                                                                                         Eternity

Thank you for simple and so very profound words, simply spoken, that sends such message to those who listen...

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