Tuesday, September 17, 2013



This morning I woke up to thunder.....over and over again.... The whole sky rumbled. On and on...what was God saying....today...this moment????

Last night I went to my first small group here...the grief Devos have been talking about finding a new "family" as it were.   New in the community, new area,  new In the church...it has been good, and sometimes not so good.,, healing and lonely at the same time...being new.  You can hide In the crowd....at the same time it would be a blessing to see some familiar faces....get a hug, laugh over old times,  have some history....now I am starting new history, over again....

When you have toddlers, or children in school, there are other parents who have a common ground of kids and their needs, yours,....friends can meet more quickly I think, looking back at the moves we have made...going alone into everything new is different.....not so many points of contact... Or maybe the grief time shadows you more deeply going into all new surroundings.....fear or reticence of all the new...wondering who you are alone...not a couple....newness....finding your place...again.....where does God want you to be?   What is the time frame?   What is important???   Urgent??? Commonalities???  Health???
Where to next???  Questions....over and over again....
Which path is the correct one..??  There are volunteer groups for everything, and they all need bodies to function and go on...which fit you....which are important....which have a value that you desire to further?....
There is your family.....they have their lives also.  How do you fit into them, without being a pest or liability, nuisance ????  

Thank you for all the thinking, words You give....directions, peace....paths of care....help me to be open to the direction You want me to go and find the right place in the community, family that is the right fit....a deeper relationship with You through it all...

song: Through It All, Lyrics by Andre Crouch

Verse 1:
i've Had Many Tears And Sorrows,
i've Had Questions For Tomorrow,
there's Been Times I Didn't Know Right From Wrong.
but In Every Situation,
God Gave Me Blessed Consulation,
that My Trials Come To Only Make Me Strong.

through It All,
through It All,
i've Learned To Trust In Jesus,
i've Learned To Trust In God.

through It All,
through It All,
i've Learned To Depend Upon His Word.

verse 2:
i've Been To Lots Of Places,
i've Seen A Lot Of Faces,
there's Been Times I Felt So All Alone.
but In My Lonely Hours,
yes, Those Precious Lonely Hours,
jesus Lets Me Know That I Was His Own


verse 3:
i Thank God For The Mountains,
and I Thank Him For The Valleys,
i Thank Him For The Storms He Brought Me Through.
for If I'd Never Had A Problem,
i Wouldn't Know God Could Solve Them,
i'd Never Know What Faith In God Could Do

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