Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Oh the restlessness, vulnerability of it all....

Oh the restlessness, vulnerability of it all.....

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze...

Notes from friends  In the past.....the month anniversary of my father's passing,.. a familiar face for times past and hug In a sea of strangers...a love note, " you are an amazing lady, thank you for being my wife".... A misunderstanding...more sorting .....more paperwork.. Restlessness.....more pain.....and I felt like I was sinking........vulnerable to the world of change again and again....a happy face covering a hurting heart.....

What are the questions...where are the answers.....You, who are the comforter, the friend the holder of my heart....the refuge In times of trouble...my shepherd, .....

I open my email, an advertisement, Asking the same things I am asking....

"What if the detour is the only way to the destination?

Sometimes we seem to be wandering aimlessly, far removed from our real passions and purposes. The roadmap to our destination takes crazy turns and leaves us either scratching our heads or crying out at God. But as we look at Scripture, we see in the life of Joseph, as well as many other biblical characters, that this process is not the exception, it's the norm. This is how God works. It may be excruciating at times, but there is purpose in it. He is writing a bigger story and fitting us into it in ways we cannot yet see.

Detour: Finding Purpose When Life Doesn't Make Sense.
A Study of the Life of Joseph

For all of us who are frustrated because life seems more like a maze than a clearly sign-posted journey,...." 

Thank you, thank you. Again and again.....help me, Lord in the waters and the fire and the changes....the maze....the journey......the detours or the destination.....purpose......

To those who much is given, much is expected....

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