Monday, November 4, 2013

We have nothing to fear ,but fear itself....

"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself...."

I am a fearful person...there I said it, it is out...I was taught to fear in quiet ways all of my growing up years , As well as events that happened to make me fearful,....

Some fears took years to overcome, others still exist, waiting to be dealt with....
I don't like being shows lack of trust,and  confidence, but it still lurks, hidden and unhidden on the fringes or sometimes central parts of my life....

I am fearful of doing the wrong things, saying the wrong words, wearing the wrong clothes, meeting the wrong people, making the wrong decisions,.....the list goes on and and on.....

I know I am not alone in this place or there would not be the extensive definition of the word "fear"....

As yet, I have not seen a group for "fearers anonymous",  but I imagine that it may be group who would fear being there and not come out of it doesn't exist...

I want that joy and peace of not being fearful....most of the time, I'll have to admit, it is there.....but the fear still lurks the background,  ready to raise its ugly head....

So praise music, Gods word,  sunshine, laughter, people, quietness, beauty of nature,  work to shove the fears away.....

Thank you for showing, exposing, dealing with fears, LORD....YOU only have the power to mightily deal with them .....

1fear verb \ˈfir\
: to be afraid of (something or someone)
: to expect or worry about (something bad or unpleasant)
: to be afraid and worried

Full Definition of FEAR
transitive verb
1 archaic :  frighten
2 archaic :  to feel fear in (oneself)
3:  to have a reverential awe of <fear God>
4:  to be afraid of :  expect with alarm <fear the worst>
intransitive verb
:  to be afraid or apprehensive <feared for their lives>
— fear·er noun

bother, worry, fret, fuss, stew, stress, sweat, trouble
Related Words
agonize; long, pine, yearn; chafe; despair
Near Antonyms
accept; abide, bear, endure, stick out, stomach, sustain, take, tolerate

2fear noun
: an unpleasant emotion caused by being aware of danger : a feeling of being afraid
: a feeling of respect and wonder for something very powerful

Full Definition of FEAR
1a :  an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger
b (1) :  an instance of this emotion
2) :  a state marked by this emotion, anxious concern :  solicitude
3:  profound reverence and awe especially toward God
4:  reason for alarm :  danger

Examples of FEAR
He was trembling with fear.
unable to walk the streets without fear of being mugged
They regarded their enemies with fear and hatred.
I've been trying to overcome my fear of flying.
The doctor's diagnosis confirmed our worst fears.
The government is trying to allay fears of a recession.
Employees expressed fears that the company would go out of business.
He told us about all his hopes and fears.
She has a morbid fear of cats.

alarm (also alarum), anxiety, dread, fearfulness, fright, horror, panic, scare, terror, trepidation

Related Words
phobia; creeps, jitters, nervousness, willies; pang, qualm, twinge; agitation, apprehension, consternation, discomposure, disquiet, funk, perturbation; concern, dismay, worry; cowardice, faintheartedness, timidity, timorousness
Near Antonyms
aplomb, assurance, boldness, confidence, self-assurance, self-confidence; bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, hardihood, intrepidity, intrepidness, stoutness, valor; audacity, guts, nerve

Psalm 23:4a even though I walk through the valley of the shadow do death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me......

Philippians 1: 20   I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or death...

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
—Psalm 34:4–6

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
—Psalm 105:4

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