Sunday, November 17, 2013

Just thinking....

I have been just thinking and praying .........even in the hard, dark times,as well as the fun times.
For us, whatever we were doing, fun or not, the cancer word lurked in every corner. Wanting to be acknowledged, wanting to take over our lives...I admit, that a times it did, when we were processing treatments, day to day stuff, but we moved on...this was the time we had, we had to make the most of it not matter the length...
Yes, we got tired, 
yes, we cried, 
yes, we got angry...

but had to center ourselves in enjoying the years,the months, the days that we had. We organized our estate stuff..thought through with an accountant  and lawyer the future no matter what it held...(but, not matter what size or age an estate, everyone needs to do that.....)

We laughed...
We husband could do geology forever.... 

We welcomed family, visitors...our apartments in in all the places we lived were the  party rooms.....and the owners complemented our family on well as other residents....

We planned...

We lived .....

We read together....talked....rested....prayed .....

We leaned on God....He was and is our rock! for our whole family....

Were these times easy.....?  Absolutely not...but, they were wonderful also...we made the most of the times we had.  And in the end that is what  we all want to do, no matter what is thrown at us...the good , the bad, the ugly...and the wonderful...

We all have purpose....and need to move into that purpose, that path that is set before us...

These are three of the hardest things and simplest words, but make a world of difference in thoughts, living, attitude...
  1. Matthew 6:27
    Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
  2. Matthew 6:34
    Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

    1. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

      If you ever need to just vent, talk, whatever...cry,  laugh...our family is available as friends! we are good listeners....

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