Monday, November 4, 2013

Field upon field

Field upon field.....

These last few days, i have driven miles along miles of crop lands. Onions, potatoes, plucots, apples of all varieties, dry beans, alfalfa, grains, cherries, sugar beets, corn, silage, hops, etc, a valley wide with production, good soil as well as lots of people driving the wide highways,

It is by no means the bread basket of America, smaller than the Central Valley of California, or the grain lands of middle America, but so productive as long as there is water......

But there are places that nothing grows as well, dry, barren patches, away from the water. The soil is white with alkali and other salts which discourages plant growth, or rocks which fill the fields and prohibit much plant life.   It seems like the snakes and lizards inhabit these areas...

There are tractors of all sizes, doing a variety of things from harvesting this year's crops to others which are tilling and planting next year's. The farmers always busy, planting, encouraging, harvesting whatever crop they are working this year....

It is a real life picture of two Bible commentaries: the fields ripe with harvest as souls of people are ready for the Word of God who realize their longing and need for a Savior; and the parable of the soils which portrays the various hearts of people, ready or not for the sowing of God's word into their hearts...

It takes the good soils for the good harvest....the readiness, preparation, longing to embrace the Word and then the growth......

I need that good soil in my soul for growth, the willingness, the openness to accept the planting, the waiting, the rains, the emerging of a crop of God's producing. I want to be like the fields, producing much....not the one that is rocky, salty, non-producing.

I want that "well done"  producing the crop that is intended for my that the legacy goes on and on, producing, stewarding the "crop lands" ......a soil ready....
a heart ready.....

Thank YOU for the abundance You provide, both in the fields of land, but the pictures You provide of our lives, through your word.....

Matthew 25:21a His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things....."

Matthew 13:8, 23...still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop...a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.....but the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. he produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown...

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