Thursday, November 7, 2013 sync with God.....

To sync with God.....

The following is taken from an article from Walk Thru the Bible....
It just caught my heart goes along with the Bible study that we all did several years ago, Experiencing God, by Blackaby....finding where God is working and join Him.....

Where is God working today?  What is He doing? Where am I in that picture, I with Him , looking on, involved, I even care?  How do I act, think, ......does it correspond with anything that He is doing???

I read a book several years ago, Heart Healer. It asked the question, do I want to feel the heart of God, do I want to feel its beating, its passion...wherever you looked you knew what that person was struggling or made me look at people in such a different way....not just at their outward appearance, but trying to see their hearts, cares, concerns, .......I found my heart was always broken, tender to their concerns.....
God brought so many to my office.....struggling, broken....some overjoyed, excited with new lives , old lives .....we cried, laughed, prayed....studied....moved forward.....

Thank You for that reminder.....You alone know our hearts......where do we go from here?

Psalm 7:9
Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure— you, the righteous God who probes minds and hearts.

"Getting God's Heartbeat:

Why Obedience Isn't the Point

By: Chris Tiegreen

..........."Our outward lives will always grow in the direction of our inward loves......

Synchronizing with God is essentially this: We see what He is like, fall in love with Him, and, like a kid dressing like his favorite athlete or performer, grow into that love. We take on His nature, His thoughts, His desires. That doesn't require a to-do list. It requires only a picture of what we're becoming.

Lately I've been further exploring what it means to sync with God and have come up with some ideas of what that looks like. It's only a start; the list is growing. You will likely be able to come up with quite a few items to add to the list. There's nothing wrong with this being a lifelong process. In fact, it needs to be.

To sync with God . . .

Ask for His heartbeat and expect Him to give it to you.
Ask Him for His thoughts and expect Him to give them to you.
Fear absolutely nothing.
Have enormous dreams, visions, and goals.
Be relentlessly positive. Always see hope.
Give yourself to repairing and restoring His world.
Refuse to be discouraged.
Don't let your environment change you to its expectations. Change your environment instead.
Be relentlessly merciful.
Let yourself feel things deeply.
Seek and expect miracles.
Overflow with goodness.
Speak life-giving words.
Dance, laugh, rejoice, live, love.
Fall in love with people. Even the unlovely ones.
Don't wait to enter His kingdom one day. Bring His kingdom to earth now.
Be passionate about all that's good, true, and beautiful.
Hate everything that violates His goodness.
Be exceedingly generous.
Offer your strength, love, joy, and glory to others.
Speak good news—and be good news—to those around you.
Be wildly creative.
Never, ever give up.
Relentlessly oppose the kingdom of darkness.
Heal and comfort the brokenhearted—i.e., nearly everyone.
Laugh at the futility of His enemies (and yours).
The list could go on and on, pretty much forever. Like I said, you'll have some ideas of how to add to it. There's no shortage of ways we can connect with Him. And in connecting with Him, everything else changes."


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