Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bobbing in the sea.....

Bobbing In the sea.....

Yesterday was an interesting day....tired from the wedding, I got up early to go snorkeling with a friend....we arrived at the boat, ready to go...adventuring ....

We left the docks and headed for the popular snorkeling place, a crater, an hour away from shore...bobbing away in the boat, up and down , front to back, side to side.  Always bobbing...

We arrive at the crater, anchor, slide into the water, ....amazing sites, fish of all colors, coral all shapes and sizes, crystal clear water, but always bobbing away, up and down...

 A shout from boat, "come aboard ASAP". Off we go back to the boat...crowding the entry, quickly obeying , boarding ...medical emergency ...two men swam into jelly fish...
Bad reactions, so speeding back to dock, where an ambulance awaited...still bobbing away....

Then on to another private bay for more snorkeling,....sighting of whales, bottle nosed dolphins  along the to see ...whales are just arriving to this "nursery area"..
The dolphins, like Flipper, play around the boat...swimming stomach up, waiting for that rubbing of their tummies, then surf the wake of the boat...then again join the snorkelers in the cove....more fish, more coral..variety of colors....more bobbing....7 hours of bobbing....

Finally, I had to go to the boat, the bobbing has gotten the best of well as several more snorkeling without seasick body was "bobbing" til well Into the night...lots of

It just made me think about Noah, his family and all of those animals....did they get sea sick at all, bobbing on the water for all of those days?  Did they have buckets prepared for that event, or railings at which to stand ......lots of bobbing for all those days....did they take ginger for seasickness? These were land people, animals, not used to the constant swaying , up and down....back and forth.....or was God gracious in helping them not to get sick...the Bible  doesn't say or give the nitty gritty details of day to day living in a zoo....

Or the sea creatures, did they play around the ark, fun to watch...?

But, they were saved and went forth again to multiply....that is the point, seasick or not, they made did I...and the others....hopefully lessons learned...memories  made...

Thank YOU, for your bobbing seas, sea life, care, was another adventure along the the path....

Genesis 6-9

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