Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gold , gold, gold....

Gold, gold, gold.....

One of My husband's favorite jokes was about taking a suitcase filled with gold bricks to heaven...he was met at the pearly gates and asked what was in the suitcase that so important....finally he opened the suitcase for the gate keeper.  The gatekeeper was astonished  at the sight.  "Pavement? Why bring pavement?"
What was so important here on earth was pavement in heaven....it speaks of what is true treasure...

Literally from the beginning to the end of the Bible, gold is mentioned in a variety of ways....

Golden streets are paved with gold...
items are made with gold, purity ....refined with fire...cooked at high temperatures  to get rid of impurities....shiny when poured,
Through time, gold,has been used in jewelry, dowries ,dentistry,  computers and electronics, money, space lubricants, medical procedures, glass making, wealth...covers things-buildings, space suit visor, decorative items,......

Gold was and is valuable..it is used for build so many things....it shows that we must be of value to Him, that he would prepare a place that is indescribably beautiful! built with precision stones, metals..further ...In  Revelations, gold not only  paves the streets, but is made into bowl holding the prayers of the saints....is it a big bowl?  expandable?

Our prayers are held in a golden bowl! Prayers from all the ages, past, present and future....the whole world....have I put enough I. It?  There is probably never enough.....

I know I have made a giant leap from gold to prayers...but the value of each is the importance...immeasurable.....held in a gold bowl by God...prayers are mentioned from the beginning of the Bible to the end as well....

I picture the whole globe with the aroma going out Into the heavens .....(a different picture than Mr. Gore's climate change)....Rather, the world covered with prayer....

Gold, valuable.....but prayers....all of our prayers have so much value...that You keep them...You listen....  You pray for us when we can't .....You answer according to Your perfect will ......Thank You....it is beyond comprehension....

Revelation 21:21
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.

1 Kings 8:28
Yet give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy, Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.

Romans 8:26
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Interesting article.....

Importance Of Gold And Gold Jewelry
By Yashwant Ravi Sharma

Gold, a precious and rare metal, has diverse significance in people's life. All across the globe, gold holds a different value for different cultures. Gold is a symbol of wealth and prosperity; it ties a lifetime bond between two people. It saves people during the times of financial crises, and also increases a person's status within the society. Gold is given the shape of a gold set, with necklace, gold rings, gold earrings, etc., to enhance the beauty of the wearer. Let us have a quick look at what gold means to people in different places, around the globe.

In Egypt:
Egyptians believed that gold was the flesh of Sun God, Ra. Hence, it was highly priced by the ancient Egyptians, and the Queens and Pharaohs had vast stores of gold. The Egyptians saw gold as the symbol of eternal life. Not just in modern times, but gold had great importance during ancient times as well.

In Ancient Rome:
Gold was very popular in the Roman era. It attracted many talented artisans, when the growth and expansion of the cities and cultures were observed. These artisans created a wide range of jewellery like rings, pendants, earrings, etc., and displayed them in their jewellery stores. It is said that the use of a ring to symbolize an engagement, initially started in Rome.

In Asia:
Dated back to 1100 BC, China made extensive use of Gold. Various items of jewellery had pieces of gold, which was the outcome of the gold craft. China took along the gold craft to Korea, when the settlers moved there in 210 BC. In some of the other Asian countries with a large population following Buddhism, archeologists have discovered ancient relics of gold, of religious significance.

A Diamond necklace made with a gold base was very common amongst the royal families in India. It was a symbol of wealth, prosperity and royalty. The designs were mainly inspired from the Mughal designs, a tradition still used in modern times.

In Central America:
The ancient central American tribes offered gold to their Gods, by throwing the precious metal in sacred lakes and river.

In Africa:
Gold was used on a large scale in the African culture. It was mostly used to enhance the beauty of the courts, owned by chiefs and leaders. Many countries in Africa had arranged for special workshops, used exclusively for the production of gold artifacts.

This proves that gold and gold jewellery has always been important to us, ever since ancient times, and will continue to be important for generations to come.

Yashwant Sharma is a extremely talented author. He has a vast knowledge on gold jewellery and his study is reflected in each and every article he writes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yashwant_Ravi_Sharma

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