Thursday, November 14, 2013

Giving time....

Giving time......

I am Inundated with letters, advertisements, phone calls right now for opportunities to give...the end of the year approaches and so everyone thinks we may give more before the tax year ends, or political parties/figures are revving up their machines for the next election....or whatever.......

I love to give, actually. But over the years my husband and I put some perimeters with our giving.  And I am still trying to carry that legacy forward.

We looked world wide, regionally, then locally.
We looked at organizations which believed as we did. Do their values represent mine?  Would I tell others about them or be embarrassed by them....
We looked at which group used the most funds for the cause rather than the administration.
Was an organization real?
We looked at the eternal value as well as the humanitarian value....
Do I give it cheerfully or out of duty? Joyfully....
It is a passion of mine or God's?
Do I have peace about it?
Have I prayed about it?

With internet, we can do all these things, there are rating systems, full reports of organizations..., their mission, goals, financial reports...all of which are handy and well worth the time to research....

God is about giving......after all He gave us life, His son, .....the whole
Bible is about giving in so may ways....from creation, the garden, to the widow giving of her last flour and oil to the prophet, Abraham -Isaac, the tabernacle/temple offerings, the widows mite, giving for the tabernacle in the wilderness, David's prep for his son to build, blessing from fathers, safety from Rahab, angels giving warnings/directions, praise, honor, give, give, is there from the beginning to the end....

Giving of leadership of Moses and so many leaders through out the ages...David, Nehemiah , Jeremiah, the disciples, Luke, Timothy, ........the list goes on..

Monetary help in the Old Testament and the new, when others needed help, food, shelter..

The gift of time....of oneself....all are acts of without a reward in mind or expectation of a from the heart, to surprise, to bless another...

It is the season for ThanksGIVING and Christmas, a reminder that God GAVE His son for all mankind.....

Thank YOU, for giving us so very much, help us to be givers, lovingly, cheerfully, wisely, blessing others the way You have blessed Your Name....

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