Saturday, November 9, 2013

Questions from a friend....

Questions from a friend....

I have a dear friend who shared the following.....I asked her permission to share, by the way....

It doesn't need additions, editing, just pure reading ...for the growth and
wisdom of it....

          "  Lately I feel God is chipping away like someone whittling out a figure of wood. There are nights I wake up about 1:30 and cannot fall asleep after while I get so discouraged of praying for an answer of why, when I need my rest to take care of Steve and the household chores, etc.
            This morning’s devotion was on that same sleepless nights as I have.  I finally found an answer from God.  Pray for people I know using the alphabet.  Pray for Alice, then Butch, then Connie, and so on.  I will definitely pray tonight.
            I also have a list of words that I made into a prayer and sometimes it just become rote. Then the past couple days I have been convicted and it is so meaningful to me now.

            I surrender my life to You, Lord, my thoughts, feelings, desires, my will.
                        do I really surrender?
            In humility I yield myself to Jesus
                        am I really humble?
            I submit my life to You, Holy Spirit.
                        do I really submit?
            I want to be obedient to Your will.
                        how much am I obedient?
            Help me, Lord to trust You, and to depend on You and not myself.
                        where is my trust and do I depend on Him?
            I need and desire Your wisdom, sweet Jesus.
                            I really want His wisdom.
            I am totally committed to You.
                        how much am I committed to Him? a little or a lot?
            I need to feel confident in Your peace and not the world.
                        I really want to be confident and find His peace, but do I look for it?
            Thank You Father God, for Your grace and mercy.
                        I do thank Him, for I have so much to be forgiven and need his grace and mercy.
            Strengthen my faith so I can be content where I am.
                            little by little that faith is there so I am becoming more and more content.

I keep on going toward the goal of Jesus Christ.  I praise Him for forgiveness of my sins.  I ask Him to help me with my attitude that it will glorify His name.  I need patience to be strengthened so as to please Him.  I desire to show my love for others so that they see Christ in me.  And may that kindness I show be as Christ’s kindness even to my enemies.  With gratitude I thank Jesus each day for His blessings.
            I love drawing closer to God, but at times it is so difficult and have to go through much to “wake up”!  Much love,......"

Titus 2:3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.

Thank you for those who live by example and words, who pave the path before us....who share life, You with others......

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