Saturday, March 22, 2014


Yellow day....

Today was a yellow day...a yellow sunrise, ....big and brilliant.....continuing  on to visiting various ag/feed stores to finally accumulate 20 free baby chicks, all soft, downy and very yellow...those were quickly delivered to three sunny faces  for hugs and kisses...

Then on to  another hunt of baby yellow duck themed baby gifts...rattles, snack cups, shampoo, towel, blanket, sock, very yellow and so cute as well....for a first time parent...

Home to yellow mangoes, gloves, lemons,  sponges, pictures, and on and on...yellow everywhere...

I remember when the children were studying a certain letter or color in kindergarten.  They had to wear as much of the color as possible...some were hard to come ,while others shined out like....yellow...

When you start noticing how much of one color there is, it becomes a challenge to find more and more...

Our family is still ambushed at times by red canopied trucks..."it must be dad coming back" from work or whatever we are doing at the still touches the soul at a depth that hurts...and brings tears...he did love his red trucks...and there are thousands out there....

Finding a color or whatever, is like counting blessings...the more you look, the more you find...God's fingerprints are everywhere...we just have to open our eyes to them or ask God to help us find them...he doesn't hide them from us...we have to be willing to look...discovery is breath away...

Thank YOU for blessings...the discovery of them...the openness of Your heart to give....and if we may, help us to be a blessing to others or help them find theirs along the path...

1 Kings 7:51
When all the work King Solomon had done for the temple of the Lord was finished, he brought in the things his father David had dedicated—the silver and gold and the furnishings—and he placed them in the treasuries of the Lord’s temple.

Psalm 12:6
And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.

Psalm 19:10
They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.

Proverbs 16:16
How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

picture- Dunedin, NZ at sunrise..

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