Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bible reading around the world...

Bible reading around the world.....

Bible Gateway shared this article this February about Bible reading around the world....

  "FEBRUARY 19, 2014 · 8:00 AM
What Are People Around the World Searching For in the Bible?
In a previous post, we reported that visitors to come from 92% of the world: 242 countries or territories out of a possible 263, including Vatican City, Israel, Palestine, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. These visitors spent more than 76 million hours last year searching, reading, studying, comparing, and sharing the Bible in their own languages.

But what, exactly, were they looking for in the Bible? And do Bible readers in different parts of the world gravitate toward different sections of the Bible?

As a helpful visual resource, the strategic mission research and mapping agency GMI used data supplied by Bible Gateway to create the following Missiographic (click image to enlarge):

What conclusions can we draw from this? As the chart shows, people in the ten most populous countries in the world are reading Psalms, Genesis, the Gospels, and 1 Corinthians 13. Here’s a breakdown, taken from the Missiographic, of the most popular Bible passages in the ten most populous countries:

Matthew 1
John 1
Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 13
Genesis 2

Psalm 23
Genesis 1
John 3:16
Psalm 1
Proverbs 1

Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 13
Genesis 1
John 3:16
Jeremiah 29:11

Genesis 1
John 3:16
1 Corinthians 13
Ecclesiastes 3
Psalm 1

Genesis 1
Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 13
John 3:16
John 1

Psalm 23
Psalm 91
Genesis 1
Proverbs 1
Psalm 89

Psalm 91
Psalm 89
Genesis 1
Psalm 23
1 Corinthians 13

Psalm 23
Psalm 51
Psalm 121
Genesis 1
Psalm 27

1 Corinthians 13
Matthew 1
Psalm 23
John 1
Matthew 5
Genesis 1
Psalm 23
John 1
Psalm 91
1 Corinthians 13"

After reading Luke 17 and Matthew 24, I found it interesting that so many countries have the availability of God's Word just on the computer...that is not saying that those other 21 counties or territories don't have some kind of form of God's Word...I am not sure......I am rejoicing as God's word increases in the world, maybe His return is more and more imminent...but, also, that His word is increasing to more and more people groups, which means more and more people have the opportunity to hear and/or read His words ....

Revelation 7:9
New International Version (NIV)
The Great Multitude in White Robes
9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

We live in an amazing time....communications with so many different routes...computers have shortened the Bible translation times by years and years..
It used to take a career time to translate the Bible.  With the advent of the computer, they say it shortens it by twenty years minimum ...but now we have whole books on a watch sized  computer, we can stream movies, computers info on a hand held devices...or show movies to far away people groups with a back pack size or smaller screening device...

Thank YOU for the opportunity to live and give in a time when Your
Word is so available to the world...knowing that wherever Your word goes, it does not come back void, but is living... Changing hearts, lives throughout the world...

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