Sunday, November 20, 2022

Psalm 112…trust…

 Psalm 112…trust…

Eleven years ago my husband had his last earthly Thanksgiving…we had a lot of very important “lasts” that winter…we recorded them in pictures…we all looked tired…a bit worn…but there were smiles none the less…Cancer had raised its ugly head in our family again…this time with the word “terminal “ attached…something we never contemplated, never faced before…

A friend gave us this framed  saying….author unknown…

“ cancer is so limited

It cannot cripple love,

It cannot shatter hope,

It cannot corrode faith,

It cannot eat way peace,

It cannot destroy confidence,

It cannot kill friendship,

It cannot shut out memories,

It cannot silence courage,

It cannot invade the soul,

It cannot reduce eternal life,

It cannot quench the Spirit,

It cannot lessen the power of the Resurrection….”

As I read Psalm 112, I thought of those days… especially verses 6-9…

“Surely the righteous will never be shaken;they will be remembered forever. 

They will have no fear of bad news;their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. 

Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. 

They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor,their righteousness endures forever;their horn will be lifted high in honor.”


My husband’s gifting was giving and he left our family with a legacy to continue that giving…but, he trusted as well…in all those “lasts”…we spent valuable time hearing stories, remembering, laughing with family and friends…holding on tightly to each precious minute…learning trust at a deeper level than ever before…day by day as the time ticked away…

Thank YOU…that You are alone are worthy of trust…

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