Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Grief seems to come in pieces.....a piece here and a piece there...not all at once for me.... A picture, a scent, a place...reminders,......

Healing comes in the same way.....a smile here, a thankfulness, a scripture ...a scent, a picture,  a place.....not  all at once ....but pieces.......brokenness but back together, not quite the same as before,  maybe a little stronger in places, a little weaker in others....more vulnerable All around, more empathetic, more used to tears,    More backbone sometimes, less in other times......more inward at times, then outward....more reaching, sometimes hiding......

I glad God is everywhere, knowing all things... Loving me at all times....incomparable.....holding on .....never leaving, never forsaking....all encompassing...all listening, quiet, joyous, encouraging....waiting.....healing.  ....grieving but knowing ......the wholeness is coming....the picking up the pieces to make the whole again...in time....His....

Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

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