Tuesday, August 13, 2013



In my neighborhood, they are working on five houses all at the same time.  One two story and the others are one story, starter and finisher homes, small...there is only two lots not sold.....
Yesterday, my new neighbors moved into one of the finished ones right behind me.   I haven't met them yet, but a young couple with a three year old and a one month old.  He is the youth pastor of a local church.   So wondered if they would use the muscle power of the youth in his group for muscle power...sure enough they arrived in mass. To help load and unload....energy....laughter...and it was finished In one day....

Is a house or project ever finished....I don't think so,,.  There is always the potential for a little change....are we ever finished.....with stuff, conversations...growth....life....

Definition of FINISH
to come to an end : terminate, end , to come to the end of a course, task, or undertaking, to end relations,  to end a competition in a specified manner or position, to defeat or ruin utterly and finally,  to bring about the death of....

complete, consummate, finalize, perfect, polish, get through
Related Words
follow through (with), stick out; accomplish, achieve, effect; carry out, carry through, discharge, do, execute, fulfill (or fulfil), perform; ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, improve, meliorate; machine, refine, round (off or out), shine, touch up

We can choose to end a project, or whatever, but is it really finished...a quilt, a room,  an article, a race...but then we can or rearrange the thing we finished. We practice for the next or plan for the next...

Even life as we know it in the here -and now -really isn't finished, we are storing or not storing up treasures In heaven....as we say it is finished here we have only begun the eternity for those of us who have asked Christ to be our Savior . 

Only He could say, his work was finished  for us on the cross...but the he rose again...and ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us...He is the prefector of finishing a work...

Will we ever be done???  No ...if we have accepted Christ as Savior ,,,,we have only started with a short life here and eternal life with Him....eternity.....no end, no finish...but it will be complete....

John 19:30
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

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