Thursday, February 5, 2015

First Wednesday....spiritual gifting....

First Wednesday's.....

The body of believers that I have chosen to worship with has a first Wednesday service.   The first Wednesday of each month they gather together for a meal, fellowship, a time of teaching, praises, prayer and communion.....I have to admit, I don't go often as I don't like driving at night...

I did attend last night, after wrestling all day with the idea...but when I exited my car, there was one of the people I know walking toward the building...I had just prayed In the car, to let me find someone I know to sit we sat at a table with some of her friends...i met three new people in one setting...amongst a couple of hundred of others...and I did see other acquaintances as well...

The subject for teaching and discussion  was spiritual of the tests was available to take home....none of the people at my table had ever explored their gifting, much less taken a test to help them discern what theirs might be....this led to a good discussion, with each taking a test home, hopefully to complete....

My question to each as we sat there, what gives you joy in doing?  What is your passion in the kingdom?  Looking at the short definitions of each gift,,where do you see yourself? What do you do on a regular basis? Where do you serve? How to do you serve others? 
God is ready to reveal His word in each of our lives....He gives joy...He has a plan for us...

When we taught these lessons, we would always do the table example;
A table is set for a meal...people are sitting there expectantly waiting their food...the hostess then appears carrying a dish...she trips and the food is spilled everywhere might each person respond?
The giver would say," here, let me pay for another meal" or maybe "let's me pay a trip to a restaurant ".
The mercy would say, "oh I am so sorry this happened and would cry with the hostess"
The server would say, " here let me help you pick all of this up"
The administrator would break down the clean up into steps for everyone to complete..
The exhorter would encourage the hostess.
The prophet would tell why this has happened, using this as a teaching moment for all..
The pastor/ shepherd would comfort the whole group...
And on and response from each gifted person different, but needful for the to see where we all would fit....

Thank YOU again for Your Word, which brings joy in exhorting, teaching us to find our delight in your Kingdom...serving others with the gifts you bestow freely.....

Romans 12
1 Corinthians 12

1 Peter 4:10-11 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 

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