Sunday, February 22, 2015


Antique stores...

I recently visited an antique store in the hopes of finding an item...I followed that with checking out the local Goodwill store as well...neither they or the huge department store had the item I had to search it out online...

Going to an antique store is like going back in my grandparents homes...things that they used on a daily basis are treasures bought and sold by a new generation now...things I took for granted as well as my grandparents...the antiques were just part of their kitchens, garages, closets or whatever... At the time I didn't look at the items as anything special, they just were I see these things and remember cooking with my Grandmothers, watching my grandfathers work...

The weird thing is, that my grandchildren will someday think the same thing of my stuff....what will they sell at their garage sale or donate to Goodwill after I have passed away? What will they say if they, too, visit an antique store or thrift store?  "Oh, I remember grandma/grandpa having something like this".
Will it bring back good memories?  I hope so...that is the most valuable item..., not even the item itself, but the memories...

I have a friend who makes quilts for all of her grandchildren with their help in choosing the fabrics and sewing ...she is leaving a wonderful legacy with each one, not only the quilt itself but the time spent....or another reads stories and does crafts with her grandchildren...reading Bible stories, going to church or another who assembles tea parties  with her granddaughters frequently...another who travels to new lands and sites with her grandchildren ....another who paints with her grandchildren, or a grandfather who rides horses taking his grandchildren riding, or as my husband did, teaching his grandchildren how to pan gold, or yet another trims trees, cuts firewood, driving an old beat up tractor or pickup , or goes fishing......the list goes on....these are the "antiques" that will last in The hearts and minds of their grandchildren...the most valuable ones....the items they used just are associated with the activities and people......Antiques....a part of life, generation to generation....

Thank YOU for the "antiques" in my life...the times past, the utensils used, the memories  made....Yourself...never ending, never getting old, always there  for each generation to discover and well as dwell in and with...You never get old....

 Lamentations 3:23, 25-26 They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness. 
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietlyfor the salvation of the Lord. 

Psalm 90:2, 16 Before the mountains were bornor you brought forth the whole world,from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 
May your deeds be shown to your servants,your splendor to their children. 

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