Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow and the light rail....

Snow and the light rail...

Last night I arrived at the airport to snow drifts, cancelled flights, and full motels .....and no sleep for 24 hours.  So off to new adventures....found a vacant room downtown, Near the light rail was amazing that the light rail was full at 11:00pm.  Other travelers, toddlers, airport workers, mothers, fathers,  drunks..people from all walks of life, using the safest mode of travel at the time....most dressed in snow appropriate weather...others not so the  freezing snow weather...

It was a reminder that Christ came to seek and save the lost...all walks of life...not just the well to do, the down and out, but everyone...we are all on the same planet, journey, have many of the Same snows or rains on the just and unjust alike, no partiality....

Thank. YOU , that you cared enough for each and every person through out the come, to seek, to save.....

Job 34:19
who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?

Luke 20:21
So the spies questioned him: “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.

1 Timothy 5:21
I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism.

Romans 3:23
New International Version (NIV)
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

John 3:16
New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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