Thursday, February 6, 2014

10,000 eggs....

10,000 eggs....

For a floating city like a cruise ship, they use a lot of products each day....

10,000 eggs each day, 15,000 cloth napkins each day...Parmesan cheese by the gigantic wheel instead of the little shapers we purchase....515 cooks, the list goes on and on.   The accounting of it, the planning of it is huge...just for ten days of touring around some islands....and only 6,000 luxury, with all the water we need, stewards making up our rooms everyday, fresh fruit, fish, any kind of prepared dish, lobster, shrimp, English style, American style , pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, desserts, you name it...

Doesn't this story sound like a familiar Bible journey, only longer in duration?

The 40 year trip in the desert of the Israelites after leaving Egypt ...traveling to the promised land.   They, too, had food and water provided, clothes and shoes that didn't wear out carried their treasures, ...not quite as luxurious , but provided for none the less...

The provision, the movement, the route all determined by the Captain...all people accounted for, named by tribe instead of sections in a boat....traveling together with all kinds of personalities, needs, young and old...going forward, for a determined amount of time...those with cheery dispositions, others not so cheery, demanding and thankful, smiles and grouches.....

I am thankful for this trip over the desert journey, the provisions, the sites, the people who care for me...a lot less arduous....but the journey of the Israelites was and is a testimony  to God's faithfulness, provision, discipline, lessons of life, safety, Love, vision...

Thank YOU, that no matter where we are, what we are doing, You can remind us of You, the Captain, the I AM, of life...

 The book of Exodus...journeys, lists, people...

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