Thursday, February 20, 2014

My mom....

My mom.....

The last good picture I have of my mom in my her sitting In the hospital bed, smiling, laughing awaiting simple surgery for headaches she was experiencing from a fall..she was going to finally get the relief that she went well and was a and I would come and sit each day with her in icu until she was moved into a lessor icu, she was starting to get untangled from all the monitors, starting to talk, and communicate. Then an infection took over and she was gone in 24 hours....not the expected end to a simple, routine  surgery....felt like we had been bombed, devastated....writing the obituary, making memorial plans, visiting with family, whirlwind of items to carry out...the bubble of energy and comfort....then reality....she was more wife, mother, grandmother, friend...

Mom was raised on a dairy in Ferndale, CA. The youngest daughter in a family of five children..three boys and two girls..the older sister and youngest son are still living....
She remembered loving music all her life, singing in the barn, entertaining the cows, cats, orchestrating and leading her dolls in song....a cute little blondie...loving life and her family...

She remembered her father with fondness, but he was in pain a lot, sitting late at night, rubbing his hands from milking the many cows they had each day...the less sleep, the more the pain and the cycle went on...until they found him dead one's childhood changed drastically....they moved away from the dairy, her mother  taking a job on a ranch as a cook for a ranch crew....where my dad happened to work between college goes the story...they married in 1948, I arrived that year as well...

They lived on various ranches through out the state of California, working for a big ranching concern. Until,finally settling in Northern California again in 1957, after purchasing a music store for mom and dad taking a job for the State of California in the agricultural department...they eventually sold the store, mom taught music lessons for 2o years, then switched to painting and taught that until right up until her death, 30 + years, she loved learning, teaching what she learned....a counselor to all ...close to family and friends...

Pictures in your mind,,,,lasting memories...of love, family...

Thank YOU so much for the mother You gave me...she was precious in her parent's sight, her husbands' life, and her family's....

Proverbs 17:6
Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

Proverbs 19:14
Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

Isaiah 38:19
The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; parents tell their children about your faithfulness.

Exodus 20:12
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

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