Friday, January 31, 2014


Paper roses....

Yesterday seemed to be themed,

On board the ship, they have craft classes once in a while..yesterday, it was crepe paper roses...actually I have never done this type before...long strips of crepe paper wound around and around a piece of wire, bunched every so often so that it slowly fans out for the petals...really pretty, but no fragrance....

Then, one of the songs sung at the musical that night was, "you don't bring me flowers anymore".....

Had to wipe the tears away,, not flowers from Don...anymore....

over the years, I got pussy willows in the spring to,show that spring was coming after the cold Nevada winters, some wild iris from the valley fields, or daffodils, camellias or dogwood while we lived briefly in Oregon...sometimes long stemmed dandelions, brought in by small hands....

I even went to floral design school, and worked several years in a floral shop, as well as doing weddings of the, colorful, beautiful .....unique....meaningful...sentimental..... Memorable....

One year for Mother's Day, I talked my employer into taking the left over arrangements to the Senior center for Mother's Day .   That was fun. Another, we made corsages for all the senior women at the center...and now I am am one of those...the widow on the receiving end...that seemed to come so quickly....not quite ready for the senior center yet, but the widow...none the less...

My grandmother grew them, my mother painted them and I arranged them...there must be some connection there.....we all totally enjoyed them....for one reason or another....I liked working with the people who received them for various occasions.....and beauty of the design, hands mother like learning the techniques of design and teaching/sharing it with others as well...the people connection....again....the relationships with people .....

We are designed for fellowship whether through flowers, food, life situations, family, .....we need that touch of people, ...times, memories ....fragrances of connections....

Thank You for the flowers, connections You have put into my life over time....the memories  they bring, the richness of relationships...

1 Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

2 Corinthians 13:14
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Philemon 1:4
[ Thanksgiving and Prayer ] I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers,

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