Saturday, January 4, 2014



I was reading Christmas sorties this winter...and came across this quote...and found it interesting...

Debbie Macomber's book,  the Gift of Christmas, page 109.

""What are devotions?
BIble reading and praying,  my private time with The Lord.  My day goes better when I've had a chance to discuss things with Jesus..

'You talk to him! as if He were a regular person?'
He is..."

So I looked it up...

Online dictionary...
Definition of DEVOTIONAL
:  a short worship service
First Known Use of DEVOTIONAL-1659

devotions : prayer, worship, or other religious activities that are done in private rather than in a religious service

Have wondered if devotions were part of the "Christianeze" language only, but apparently not.  When you go to a Christian bookstore, there is a whole section of books labeled, devotions .  But I don't see that same label  at, say, Barnes and noble.

Haven't gone to a Deseret bookstore, so don't know if others have devotions or not...

But you don't have to go very far in the Bible itself to find devotions .....songs, praises, psalms, even single verses fill the Bible, showing devotion and worship...talking to
God, listening to his Words of fact, the whole Bible is a devotional ....lessons for everyone to learn in their time...when we read it, meditate on it, learn and live transcends time and flows Into our hearts, minds and souls...

2 Timothy 3:15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

So I have to ask myself, "to whom, or what am I devoted? Where is my strong love, loyalty? Where does my use of time, money, energy show my devotion?

de·vo·tion noun \di-ˈvō-shən, dē-\
: a feeling of strong love or loyalty : the quality of being devoted
: the use of time, money, energy, etc., for a particular purpose

Thank YOU, that you have given the world your WORD, the truth, that we may be trained in righteousness...that it is useful...but more help me to talk to you and listen to what you say to my heart...and be obedient to those words....your words...

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