Monday, January 13, 2014



In the Old Testament, when the Israelites came into the promised land, the tribes were given pieces of ground.  The land had specific boundaries for each tribe,from this place to to this place to this place....God given directions for each unit of land...

He also set boundaries for behavior amongst the people, hence the "10 commandments" and laws that were given to the people....the complete Bible...

When we buy or sell land, there is a legal description  written out with lot number or survey points and maybe some description or landmarks.  Long ago, pieces of ground Were described in relation to towns, landmarks, well known markers-trees, rocks, etc., boundaries...during the  gold rush days, the mining claims were so numerous, it must have been hard to get all the descriptions, now they are surveyed with GPS and very scientific methods...but old ones are still on the books from generations ago with the "primitive" descriptions...

It is good to have boundaries, it is a safety factor, both physically and emotionally...I don't want to pay for the my neighbors taxes or utilities, because of over lapping tax lot numbers...nor do I want to encroach on their property with my stuff....that goes for both physical and emotional needs....

I don't need to pick up their emotional worries and concerns, when it is not my job or responsibility....but I do....and that is where I need to draw some boundaries with is hard with family....I want to be helpful, but sleepless nights, sighs, myriads of "my" solutions may not be in the best of their interests.....the need to learn the lessons that I have been taught over time,,, or I may be in the way of God's lessons....

It is hard to watch sometimes without stepping in to "help"...but is is triumphant when we see Their acknowledgment of God working in their lives....

The fine lines...we helping or hindering...tough and jubilant...sleep and not arms or set free...parenting....befriending....seeing the consequences...the stumbles.....the catching ....the growth....

help me, Lord, to know the difference, the landmarks, the boundaries and to stay on my side of the fence, not interfering, guide when asked, not taking over...praying ....

2 Timothy 3:14-17
The Message (MSG)
14-17 But don’t let it faze you. Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers—why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother’s milk! There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

2 Timothy 3:14-17, NIV, But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Numbers 34:2
“Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance is to have these boundaries:

Numbers 34:12
Then the boundary will go down along the Jordan and end at the Dead Sea. “‘This will be your land, with its boundaries on every side.’”

Deuteronomy 32:8
When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.

Acts 17:26
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

Proverbs 22:28
[ Saying 5 ] Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors.

The Secret of Jesus
Daily Devotional for January 13
From the Writings of Ray Stedman
From your friends at
Read the Scripture: John 5:18-30
Jesus gave them this answer: Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself (John 5:19a)
That is probably the most radical statement in the entire Word of God, because it indicates the first step in being a channel of the power of God: a recognition that any effort made to use God's power for one's own benefit will finally leave nothing but a hollow, empty feeling; it will never achieve anything. You may climb to the top of whatever heap you aspire to, and gain the admiration and attention of all the world, but if you have not found this secret, your life will be unsatisfying to you, and of no use whatever to God. The Son can do nothing of his own accord.
Jesus does not mean that it is impossible for him to do something apart from the Father, any more than it is impossible for us to do things apart from God. We can, and we do—Jesus could have as well. Further on in this account he says that the Father has given him power to act out of himself. Jesus could have created a whole universe over which he was God. He had the power to do so. But the whole point of this is, he chose never to exercise that power for his own benefit. Never! This is the explanation of his behavior in the wilderness when he was tempted by the devil to change stones into bread for his own satisfaction, to leap from the temple to gain the applause of people, or to gain the whole world for himself. He steadfastly refused to do so. That is the key. God gives his power to those who will not use it for their own benefit. That is one of the most profound secrets in Scripture.
This releasing of the power of God at any point to meet our human need is a simple, yet absolutely profound truth. Our Lord lived like this all the time. It was not merely in raising men from sick beds that he employed the power of God. He did it when he spoke to some lonely, heartsick, broken person and brought him to life and faith. It was the same power that made his words full of impact and meaning to the woman at the well who had had five husbands and was still trying to find satisfaction in living with a man without marriage. Here is the secret of power: I cannot, I do not have anything in myself that can accomplish this thing, but God can, he wants it done—and you obey that, it results in a visible release of power. Jesus could say to the impotent man, Stand up, and the man was immediately on his feet.
Because Jesus was not acting of his own accord, but rather depending on His Father, His word to this man had power. Words are like sails on sailboats. If you go out in a sailboat on a still day and raise the sail it will hang there, limp and powerless. But lift that sail on a day when a strong breeze is blowing and it will fill with wind; it will begin to strain and pull and the boat will move rapidly through the water. That is what a word is like. Words are insignificant in themselves, but if they are in line with the working of God they are filled with impact and power. This is what our Lord is modeling for us.
There is so much I try to do on my own accord. Teach me, Lord, to recognize my own helplessness, trust in you and see your visible release of power.

Life Application: Jesus' perfect unity with the Father is demonstrated in His perfect obedience and submission to His initiative. Are we compelled by His Love to live in complete dependence upon His power in and through us?
Related Message: This daily devotional was inspired by one of Ray's messages. Please read "The Secret of Jesus" or listen to Ray for more on this portion of scripture.
Devotions for January from John
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Copyright © 2014 by Ray Stedman Ministries — This daily devotion is from the bookImmeasurably More: a year of devotions from the writings of Ray Stedman; compiled by Mark Mitchell. It may be copied for personal non-commercial use only in its entirety free of charge. All copies must contain this copyright notice and a hyperlink to if the copy is posted on the Internet.

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