Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Surround us oh Lord....

in our seemingly safe world, I take for granted the medical facilities that fill many blocks in my town...I can call quickly to get appointments, see various doctors, visit numerous pharmacies....but others in far away places are not so blessed...

I am sharing a recent letter from Hondarus ....

Thank YOU for your guidance and watchcare of this dear and diligent family....

Psalm 125:2 “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore”.
Dear Family and Friends,
I don’t know how many are familiar with a praise song based on this psalm, but it caught my attention again this month. The chorus is, “Surround us Lord, Surround us oh Lord, We need to be in your presence. Surround us Lord, Surround us Lord.” Given all that has gone on the last few months, this has been my hearts cry many days.

March began with a wave of very difficult cases at the clinic. Juan had a patient who had surgical, not Anesthesia, complications, but due to the surgeons inability to manage the situation, the bulk of the weight fell on his shoulders. An additional surgeon was brought in for a second surgery and the patient will likely have some long term complications. Though it is a known possible complication for this surgery, due to the surgeon’s attitude and inability to communicate appropriately with the family, there are still doubts as to whether the family could chose to sue. It has been a very stressful time for Juan and our family. Surround us Oh Lord.

Shortly after this even in March, my Honduran father, Roldan who has Diabetes and is on Hemodialysis had a severe upper intestinal bleed, leading to 9 units of blood being transfused. There were several moments when we were not sure if he would make it. We used up all of the blood from the blood bank and had to begin searching for donors. Blessings come in unexpected places as the last pint of blood came from a dear friend who came to visit us the end of March. The Lord’s timing is perfect. Surround us Oh Lord.

This same month three of my patients who have been waiting for heart surgery were able to be seen by a visiting team in a city about 10 hours from here. Jose Miguel and Oscar had successful open heart repairs and Angel Daniel was able to have his heart repaired via cardiac catheterization. All three children are doing well. We are grateful to Ron Roll and his organization, Helping Hands for Honduras for their role in helping our patients. Surround us Oh Lord. 

In the wake of the surgical complications at the clinic, we were not sure we would be able to take our annual rest during Holy Week. As the patient stabilized we decided that our family needed the time and we were able to find a very able physician to continue her care giving Juan some needed recuperation time as well. Little did we know that one short month later, Nicaragua would enter into an extreme period of political unrest. Surround us Oh Lord. 

While we “rested” in Nicaragua, I received the call that my uncle had taken a turn for the worse. While receiving chemotherapy for his Melanoma he was able to travel to his home in Ensenada, Mexico. While in Ensenada, he had a seizure and had to be transferred emergently to the U.S. We learned that his cancer had spread to his brain. Radiation was tried, but he passed away just over four weeks from detecting the metastasis. Words are inadequate to describe the loss for our family, his wife and children. He was a source of light whenever he walked in the room, he loved without limits, he was fiercely loyal and held a very special place in my heart for how he cared for my father over 11 year ago when he was ill with ALS. I am grateful I was able to travel to the U.S. to attend his memorial service. Bill will be deeply missed. Surround us Oh Lord.

I was blessed to spend mother’s day with my mom, brother and his family while in the U.S.  I am so thankful for my family and the ties that hold us together across the miles. 

During Abril my 78 year old mother in law also had a hip replacement. Thankfully, she sailed through the surgery and is doing very well with her physical therapy. She is a tough woman and we are grateful for her progress and healing. 

Around same time as her surgery, Roldan was readmitted to the clinic for Pneumonia. Another scary moment, as he arrived nearly unconscious from dialysis. But again his recovery was remarkable and he was able to go home the following day. He has had more health scares: a fall with no broken bones, and most recently Influenza. We continue to pray for his health. This month he will 81 years old and we are praying he will see his grandchild, Linda’s High School Graduation. Surround us Oh Lord.

I am pleased to report that Henry, the 16 year old patient I mentioned in my last letter, had his open heart surgery. His surgery went incredibly well and he did not need the pacemaker. He can now run a mile and has a new opportunity at life.

As I mentioned earlier, the Influenza epidemic has now come to Honduras. I was able to vaccinate the kids, myself and our nanny in January, but vaccines for the general population just became available this week. The epidemic began a month ago. In addition to the lack of early vaccines, there were hardly any doses of treatment available in the country. In the course of one week, my nurse, Fanny, her two children, our microbiologist, her assistant, two janitors and Roldan came down with influenza. I bought up all the medication in town and we were able to treat them all limiting their complications. Our nanny, Alina, came down with influenza despite her vaccine, but just yesterday began to feel better again. Gratefully we were able to vaccinate the rest of the staff and family yesterday. We are hoping that the worst is behind us. Surround us Oh Lord.

For those of you who watch international news, you may have heard of the political conflicts in Nicaragua. This touches us personally as we have much extended family in Nicaragua. So far there have been 120 deaths and more than 1000 injured, mostly of students involved in peaceful protests around the country. There are hundreds currently missing, some of which have been found tortured and murdered. We have taken the precaution of bringing my niece and nephew to be with us here in Honduras. Both were studying at universities in Managua. Please continue to pray for safety for our other family members and for peace. Surround us Oh Lord.

We are grateful for the Lord’s provision this year for the clinic as we continue to meet our payroll despite the rising costs of electricity and declining economy. With the help of some donations we were able to put a down payment on an ambulance for the clinic which is available to our patients as well as the surrounding clinics and hospitals.

Abigail and Thomas had their last day of classes today, finishing out First grade for Abby and K4 for Tom. We are so grateful for their amazing teachers and friends who have helped us with tutoring as they learn two languages simultaneously. I am looking forward to slower mornings, and praying for a restful vacation time for them.

Thank you for all your prayers and support these last few months. We have felt your prayers on so many occasions as we have cried out, “Surround us oh Lord.” I pray that the Lord would surround you and your family this month and that you would be as deeply blessed as we are by all of your friendships.

In His Hands,
Sheree Lynch, MD

Prayer Needs:
  1. Financial needs for the clinic and personal support
  2. Jose in the U.S. awaiting open heart surgery
  3. Olvin traveling this month for open heart surgery
  4. Safety and peace for Nicaragua

  1. Safety for our family
  2. Health for our family
  3. Ambulance for the clinic
  4. End to a good school year for Abigail and Tom and Linda’s Graduation from High School.

Personal Financial Support:
8595 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Payable to: C&MA
Designate in Memo: Sheree Lynch Support – MM

Building/Equipment Donation:
CAMA Services

Payable to: CAMA Services
Designate in Memo: Lynch/Honduras Medical Project

Field Address:
Dra. Sheree Lynch
Centro Medico Monte Sinai
Carretera a la U.N.A, a 200 metros de la Gasolinera Texaco el Cruce
Catacamas, Olancho

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