Monday, June 18, 2018

Stepping back in time...

Stepping back in time...

Arriving in Seward, Alaska after caravanning from was a mixture of old and new...

I am staying in an historic hotel, Hotel Seward...built in 1905, with only four owners over those has been refurbished, but still holds the charm of the early 1900's. My room actually has it own bathroom, while others have "down the hall service". I remember staying in a similar room when I traveled with my parents to Whitehorse in the Yukon Territories in 1965. The halls and stairs creak  as you walk them, but the ambiance is of oldness, history and you want to ask the walls what they have heard over so many years...the history made here, the people passing through, the changes, the earthquakes which have happened, the storms which have hit...

I was awakened at 2:15 with wind and rain forcefully hitting the walls and windows. I have a corner room facing the sea so am getting a double dose...the windows so rain speckled it is hard the see what is beyond....

Will probably walk around the little town to visit the various businesses as well as go to a world class aquarium which has its home here near the bay, Resurrection Bay, "the home an abundance of marine life"...

It is fun to see new places...see their history in photo, museum form...visit the local sites even in the wind and rain...not too good for photos though...

I wonder what Abraham thought when God told him to go- or Moses, Nehemiah, Ezra, Joseph, Peter, Paul even the disciples "going to the other side"...and many more...

New-to-them sites, experiences, people...

Now we can jump in the Internet, look up information, take language courses, talk directly to others anywhere in the world without leaving the comfort of our homes...

And still the command is the same..."go......" not just for vacations or site/sight seeing...

Thank YOU for the opportunity of seeing Your beautiful creation, but let Your light shine through wherever I go or whatever I say....

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Mark 16:15-16

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