Thursday, August 28, 2014



"40%, will never occur
30%, already happened
12% needless things about our health
10%, about what others think
8%, legitimate concerns that can be dealt with..."..." The Noticer"

Stepping  from the car, she noticed a man hidden in the shadows of the picnic area,,scanning whomever had arrived....should she get back in the car or continue as usual...deciding to to continue, she catches up with other walkers/runners to stay at least next to others....all the while wondering who this man is who is watching everyone as they come and he a stalker, someone to be afraid of....what is he doing just standing there, staring...fear, worry...should she have carried her hand gun....all these thing quickly run through her mind as she continues to circumvent the park area again and again...walking the trail...she was in the 40%.....the man was patiently waiting for the sprinklers to cycle through to repair all the heads and power wash the picnic tables, working for the parks and rec department...

Yes, we have to aware of our surroundings,  being watchful, careful...but my imagination ran with this least it got my adrenaline pumping and I walked faster than usual...until I noticed all the other clues of his surroundings and equipment...

What I needed to refocus on was the other people...a couple of young women jogging, visiting, encouraging one another in their lives; an elderly woman walking slowly, stiffly, haltingly, as if recovering from a stroke, regaining strength; a young woman walking her three legged dog; a couple, my age, enjoying an early morning walk; several others out walking their dogs, enjoying the fresh air and exercise...all walks of life, ages, enjoying Gods creation....each carrying worries of their own...legitimate concerns....

Thank YOU for awareness of You in my life and those around my eyes to those around me, praying that each would come to a saving knowledge of you....

Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
John 6:29 NIV

Psalm 25:1 [ Psalm 25 ] [ Of David. ] In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.

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