Sunday, August 17, 2014



"There are tastes that remind you of home"  The Hundred Foot Journey...

A light, enjoyable movie, "the Hundred-Foot Journey" has this line in it at least twice...tastes that remind us of home...
There are certain aromas, tastes that remind me of various places, events, people In the past..that draw memories from deep within...embedded with certain thoughts, emotions...

The smell of new mown hay, a dairy, Christmas or Easter or thanksgiving , certain recipes....grandma's house, the world's fair, first meals prepared in marriage, baby powder, new babies, a new car, newly painted or finished house, .....the list goes on.   Smells, tastes that draw out those memories......that we associate with long forgotten days...
And then all of the sudden,,there it is to remind us of "home" we may ponder and smile over...

As a widow, a shirt  that smells of my husband, or a blanket that reminds me of a child, a forgotten card, or note or message, or picture that reminds of times past...the handwriting, a recorded phone message, a certain laugh we hear in the distance....all those "tastes" that remind us of "home" wherever that might be....

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 119:103 How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

I can't remember a time when God's word wasn't reverenced in my life...that is a taste I of my grandmothers always had it beside her chair or bedstead.  It was an evident part of life...we took it took church every Sunday...but it wasn't until later that I read it cover to cover, before that it was piecemeal...I knew the major stories, not the everyday "taste" of The Lord, his Words written in book for me to read, ponder, taste and digest...there is always something new to learn (taste) everyday delight...

Thank YOU for your words that are sweeter than honey to my mouth .....those tastes that remind me of Home...

Genesis 25:28a Isaac, who had a taste for wild game....

Exodus 16:31 The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.

Numbers 11:8 The people went around gathering it, and then ground it in a hand mill or crushed it in a mortar. They cooked it in a pot or made it into loaves. And it tasted like something made with olive oil.

1 Samuel 14:29 Jonathan said, “My father has made trouble for the country. See how my eyes brightened when I tasted a little of this honey.

Job 34:3 For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.

Proverbs 24:13 [ Saying 26 ] Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste.

Proverbs 27:7 One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.

Song of Songs 2:3 [ She ] Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste.

Jeremiah 48:11 “Moab has been at rest from youth, like wine left on its dregs, not poured from one jar to another— she has not gone into exile. So she tastes as she did, and her aroma is unchanged.

Ezekiel 3:3 Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.

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