Monday, August 4, 2014

Surrounding of many.....

Surrounding of many....

Today a friend has a memorial for her husband.  He read the obituary at my husband's memorial and then shortly thereafter, found he had here we are two years later,  his memorial celebration of a life well lived...

They had coffee many times together, distributed Bibles for Gideons, talked of investments, business, how to retire to live...we helped one another move and helped others move....played Mexican train dominoes, traded travel life and now in death....

What they must be doing walking those streets of gold so pure it is clear.   On earth, one  had searched for it and the other had hauled it in they get to walk on it, without having to work....those memorial Bibles that have been gone out in memory of both are worth so much more than the gold they strived for here on earth.....
the Word is the real treasure...and they acknowledged that in many ways....

My friend may not remember much of  today but through a blur, an impression, a blessing...a celebration of sorts...and may have to read back through the guest book to see who was really there...but she will receive a multitude of hugs, handshakes maybe plants and flowers...but she will be surrounded by many, both the seen and the unseen....who will strengthen her and her boys...through the crying times, the grieving times and even the joyous times...

The songs of the service will fill people's hearts, souls and minds...the words spoken will be refreshing, even though they maybe hard to listen to...the Kleenex will be distributed and the food will be wonderful...but the essence of the people will be the most remembered...the embracing of those who cared, befriended, listened, learned, visited, encouraged, were encouraged....that will the strong undercurrent through it all....

Take heart, my friend, you are loved as was your husband...
God is there for you to draw on in night's darkness, the day times, the laughing times, and the crying times, the blurry times, the overwhelming times...He never leaves or forsakes....He carries.....speaks in a multitude of ways....

Thank YOU....God for Yourself...your comfort, guidance....peace...stillness...

Psalm 5:12 Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

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