Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Reading for the summer....

Reading for the summer...

At our last women's Bible study, we were given a suggested reading list for the summer.  One of the suggestions was the ,"The Screwtape Letters", written by C.S. Lewis. "A short and precisely canny exchange from the senior devil, Screwtape, to junior devil-in-training, nephew Wormwood, which will both challenge and delight. A Literary classic"

"From the Back Cover
A milestone in the history of popular theology, The Screwtape Letters is an iconic classic on spiritual warfare and the dynamics of temptation.

This profound and striking narrative takes the form of a series of letters from Screwtape, a devil high in the Infernal Civil Service, to his nephew Wormwood, a junior colleague engaged in his first mission on earth, trying to secure the damnation of a young man who has just become a Christian. Although the young man initially looks to be a willing victim, he changes his ways and is "lost" to the young devil.

Dedicated to Lewis's friend and colleague J. R. R. Tolkien, The Screwtape Letters is a timeless classic on spiritual conflict and the psychology of temptation which are part of our religious experience."

So, for the last two days of driving, waiting in road construction lines, I have been listening to this on cd in the car..about three hours long...

The innuendoes, the plots, the suggestions, the temptations, the change of attitude, words that the uncle suggests to the nephew to lure the young man away from his new conversion, through sex, money, lust, materialism, etc...are classic.  These lures are found through out the history of mankind and continue to the present day and will continue  until the end times....and Satan is thrown into the lake of fire with his minions...the tactics haven't really,changed, just the dates and names....

It just made me look again at my thought patterns, how am I drawn into the snares, what or whom do my attitudes and actions reflect, what do I need to flee from, what do I need to get rid of...etc...

Thank YOU, God, for the day to day reminders again and again...keep my mind and actions in Line with Your Word and World.   help me to listen to Your truth spoken through your Word and The Holy Spirit....

1 Timothy 6:11 [ Final Charge to Timothy ] But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

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