Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Having been raised in both the Central Valley and the north coast of California, spring  came with green pastures of flowers and lush green fields feeding  the new crops of lambs, calves and other livestock…fresh new growth to help the new babies and their mothers grow well after a winter’s rest…

Then moving the Nevada for much of our married life, the green pastures were just as important, though not nearly as lush, they also supplied the new nutrients for the spring babies….

As we read in John 10, it harkened back Psalm 23…green pastures…nourishment for the soul, rest for the soul, provision for the soul…new life….

The Word is all of that…It feeds me like new grass everyday…it gives rest and abundance all in one…if we will but feed on it…

When we are going through trials, the Word gives us a resting place, a green pasture to rest in, to feed upon…

Thank YOU…

He makes me lie down in green pastures…..


 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture…


“In the Bible, green pastures are mentioned in Psalm 23, symbolizing God's provision and care for His people:

Lead: Green pastures signify abundance, nourishment, rest, and safety.

They represent a place of peace and tranquility, where one can find refreshment for the soul.

Green pastures reflect the idea of God as a caring shepherd, guiding and protecting His flock.

In the context of Psalm 23, green pastures reveal God's abundant blessings and provision for His followers.

The concept of green pastures in the Bible serves as a powerful symbol of God's love, care, and sustenance for His people, emphasizing His role as a loving and attentive shepherd.”

“That pasture denotes the good and truth which restore and sustain the soul or spirit of man, is clear from the Lord's words in John:--

I am the door; by Me if anyone enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and go out, and shall find pasture (John 10:9);

where pasture denotes the goods and truths which those have who acknowledge the Lord, and seek life from Him alone.”’

Shepherd of my soul…

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