Thursday, May 23, 2024

Cancer cycles…


 Cancer cycles….

My cancer treatments are on three week cycles…

Week one is blood tests, a day of infusions, doctor visits, followed by a day to get an injection…

Week two, side effects from week one….

Week three, a bit lighter, more energy….


Week one is time consuming, week two is no fun, week three trying to catch up even though tired….before repeat…

This time the side effects are manifesting themselves in my whole digestive system, my back and legs…all weak areas for me…legs feel like they are lead, walking through a field of mud…

I continue to walk each day, this time shorter walks, but still finishing my steps by night fall…just takes longer…with rests along the way…

In 2020, I was walking so much as the gym was closed…and saw gardens along my path each day…this year just walking up and down my short driveway….the goal this year is to “ just do it and heal”…maintain a level of activity….

This verse came up this morning as the verse of the day…it has been a favorite of mine for years… 

 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.


I so appreciate God’s comfort…he knows my heart, my state, my stature, my health…and He walks along side me, slow or fast, painful or not…He encourages, sympathizes, lifts up, cheers me on, holds my hand in the night watches…gives me rest…

Not just for ourselves, but to those all around….

Thank YOU….

God help me ….

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