Thursday, May 4, 2023

Birds and the bees…3…

 Birds and bees…3…

I don’t want to run this into the ground, but it seems to me that there are lots of lessons from these little creatures…

They know when the flowers have the nectar they desire…when they are “ripe”…

It just made me think of the verses Jesus spoke about harvest…

 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


We need the pollinators for the crops as we need to be the “pollinators /workers “ for the Word…God knows the “ripeness” of people’s hearts…

 Many years ago, the 1200’s, it was reported the Genghis Kahn, of Mongolia, asked for 100 missionaries to teach his people…one Catholic man went…Genghis was a brutal warrior who ravaged many a county…

Down through time, there various contacts with Christians, but it seemed to have been incorporated into their other beliefs…

In the 1990’s, after the fall of Russian rule, missionaries finally came, bringing the Gospel with them…the harvest was indeed ripe…even asking that the Jesus film be used on public TV. But, how that country might have changed if Genghis had gotten his way those many years ago…people’s lives would have changed…

Are we, am I ready to be called when the harvest is ready…are we, am I listening, willing to be used…?

 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


Thank YOU…

Lindy Cofer - Lord of the Harvest (Official Video)



And Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

[Verse 1]

And Lord, I feel the movement of

Your spirit in my life, to go

And Lord, I hear the thunder of

Your voice call out, "Rise and go"



No matter what the cost to me

The Author of all history

Deserves the love from every tribe and tongue

And I hear the spirit beckon me

I can't escape this mystery

That I could help bring You what You have won



It's all for Jesus

It's all for Jesus

Oh, Your love, Jesus

[Verse 2]

(Sing now is the time)

And now, now is the time You chose in history

For me to be alive

So here, I will respond right where I am

And I will give my life


No matter what the cost to me

The Author of all history

Deserves the love from every tribe and tongue

(Oh, we love You, God)

And I hear the spirit beckon me

I can't escape this mystery

That I could help bring You what You have won


And Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"



You're worth it all

Every breath, all I am

I will give my life for this one thing

For this one thing, Your love

[Verse 3]

So, I lay my crowns down at Your feet

The One who gave it all for me

My life is Yours and everything I am

(Oh, Jesus)

From now into eternity

You're worth the nations worshipping

An endless hallelujah to The Lamb


'Cause You're the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

And I say "Yes", and I say "Yes"


(Come on, every voice)

And hallelujah, salvation belongs

To the Lamb of God, who sits on the throne

And hallelujah, salvation belongs

To the Lamb of God, who sits on the throne

And hallelujah, salvation belongs

To the Lamb of God, who sits on the throne


(Sing the Lord of the Harvest)

To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"


To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

To the Lord of the Harvest

You deserve it all

Here I am, I say "Yes"

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