Friday, January 1, 2016



On this first day of a new year, a new day, I was thinking about firsts..first hours, first prayers, first children,.... firsts...

Just going through the Bible, not all of it...
-Genesis, God, the first book, creation, the first days, the first people, the first fellowship, the first sin, firsts all through it...the first rain, the flood, first sons, nations, blessings, beginnings...

-Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, migration of a nation, first laws...

-Joshua , a new nation and more choices ...
Joshua 24:15b.....But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” 

 Through the Judges, Kings, Chronicles, all had firsts, choices in their lives ...

Psalm 1 tells how to walk, stand and what to take delight...

Proverbs 1 talks about getting wisdom

The major and minor prophets give us pictures of first and last days, who to follow and the consequences...who to put  first in our lives..

The New Testament, starts us off with the Birth of Christ, the firstborn Son, God with us,....and what and whom  to seek ....

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 

There are over 480 references to "first" throughout the Word, too many to talk about in this short writing...

Who is first, what is first....those decisions for a new year...what do I want to be first in my life, both today and the rest of this new year??

Thank YOU for all the firsts in Your me put You first in my life..making decisions that make You first...   

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