Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"This is Jesus"...

"This is Jesus"....

Four years ago I wrote this...

"This is Jesus, counselor, the righteous One, the Living Word....
This is Jesus, the Son of man, the Son of God, Emmanuel....
This is Jesus, Redeemer, the compassionate One, The Lord of all...
This is Jesus, Teacher, faithful, gentle...
This is Jesus, the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the Prince of peace...
This is Jesus, prayerful One, Alpha, Omega..
This is Jesus,  refuge, fortress, strength, shield ...this is Jesus, 
Beloved, Messiah, healer and friend...
The Light, the Vine, the Bread Of all, ....this is Jesus...

THere was a tune...., I have forgotten it and it came with my "songs in the night" that God gave when I was caring for my terminally ill husband...but it rang over and over in my head at the time...

I occasionally read my few scribbled notes in my journal at the time...I was so tired, so desperate, so clinging to Jesus' hand and strength....everyday was a gift and a torture ...bittersweet...to have time, but to see him fade away...to see our expectations, our dreams, our lives change so drastically...to see our children watch their father die was almost unbearable...they were such troopers....

There were friends who stood by us, visited, encouraged...came to express their condolences...those who prayed from far  and near...who dropped by with food, words of wisdom, but Jesus stood with us all the time-day and night....

Thank YOU for "songs in the night"... The Words You spoke and still speak...Your comfort, Your presence, ...."This is Jesus "....

Psalm 119:76 May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. 

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