Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Taking for granted...

Taking for granted....

I love to take photos. I am not good with photos of people, usually...but details of flowers, scenery, ...I Iike that the is amazing to see a bush filled with flowers and then get up close and personal and see the detail of each petal, each leaf...the ice crystals that form on the side walk in the snow, the birds, eating or drinking at the bird feeder, the hermit crab skittering across the sand, the howler monkey mothering her baby, a tiny baby's fingers and toes, the magic of a cloud formation or a rainbow across the sky, etc, etc,etc,...
It reminds me of the Mary Poppins' song, "Raindrops on roses" when I start listing out "my favorite things"...

There are many details I dislike, bookkeeping for is beyond me with all those numbers, checks and balances...I know it is very important and so appreciate those who think in those terms....thank you so much...

Reading about the ordinary water which Jesus turned into the best wine...Jesus did it with detail, telling the steward just what to do ...and it happened...something "everyday" to something raindrops on roses may be everyday to some, but becomes special when the detail is .....

He does that with our lives as well, using them to His glory...each of us is special, even when we think we are ordinary...acts of service, prayer, words spoken to encourage, parenting, and so much more...God can use them for His ultimate purpose...Thank YOU...

"Our Lord is able to take the humdrum, commonplace, ordinary events of any life and with his touch make them full of flavor, fragrance, strength and beauty; to turn them into wine. He will do this with any of us as we faithfully walk with him, follow him, and believe in him.
Jesus, please take my ordinary life and through your great power change it into something full of joy, beauty and strength.
Are we learning to observe and appreciate God's awesome, transforming work in even simple and commonplace events and circumstances of our lives?" Ray Stedman, water to wine 
use me for your Glory...

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

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