Friday, October 27, 2023



 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”


I was shopping the other day, scanning the clearance shelves, finding several little items…another woman stopped and looked at my cart…”you are shopping for Operation Christmas Child, aren’t you”…

Yes, as a matter of fact I was…we had a short conversation and parted, each encouraged that we shared a common goal-filling boxes for children around the world, gifts given freely in Jesus’ name…

Each year the need is great…millions of children in a crumbling world receive one of these boxes…it may be the first gift they ever received…all of their very own…someone filled it prayerfully just for them….

It may  be in an area where the gospel is shared for the first time…

It may be in an area where a new body of believers might rise to worship together, learning of the saving grace of Christ….

It might be in an area, torn apart by wars, dysfunction, where God-haters rule…

It may be in an area where drugs rule, unrest reigns, hopelessness is norm…

It may be in an area we watch on the daily news….

It might arrive by camel, by plane, by bicycle, by truck or train, by donkey, by boat…but, by God’s grace it will arrive to the right child, at the right time, the right place…bringing with it an opportunity to learn of Jesus…the greatest Gift giver…

Thank YOU…

He is faithful…

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