Friday, July 1, 2016

Watermelon salad....

Watermelon salad...

There are recipes that remind me of certain people....with our modern transportation, we can "summer" foods year around, but the first watermelon in the summer just is special...

Over thirty years ago, I tried a new watermelon recipe when we had company and I have been making ever since...the other family and our like the recipe, especially my long time friend...I just made it again in memory of her...we both enjoyed it those many years ago and every time I make it, I remember our comments, laughter, fun that we had together...our families bonded in geology, field camps, KOA's, children's activities, garage sales, months of map coloring, geology office work, can collection, dump ( dumps used to be open to pick through ) diving, Good News clubs, couponing, over innumerable meals In our cozy travel trailers....

Although we lived on opposite sides of the country, we could pick up the phone and carry on a conversation as if we saw each other everyday... ( we should have done it more). We even wore similar clothing that we picked up on opposite sides of the USA , arriving at her son's wedding with the same outfit...( I quickly changed mine)...

She battled valiantly the cancer that finally took her to her heavenly home, she was able to say hello to any who were won to Jesus by her smile, her dedication to Child Evangelism...and those who loved and knew her who had gone before...she paves the way and will stand welcoming those who come after...

Thank YOU for friends who bring a smile, even from their heavenly home...who are remembered by a recipe that bring many wonderful memories....

melon salad...

A small watermelon, diced
One half cantaloupe, diced
One or two tomatoes, diced,
Either  a small fresh onion, diced or one teaspoon dried, minced
A spring of fresh mint or a tea bag of mint tea
A tablespoon of oil.
Juice of one lime
Mix and and enjoy .....

Optional, you can add one half honey dew melon, seeded cucumber, diced jicama as well...

1 Samuel 20:42 Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.’” Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town.

Proverbs 17:17a A friend loves at all times,......

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