Monday, July 4, 2016

This is my story...

This is my story...

Several years ago,  several women and myself  did the study, "this is my story" by Lisa Whelchel.  It included a scrapbooking project as the study...I bought two kits so that my husband and I could do it together. It seemed like a pain at the time, but am so glad we did it together ...we even copied them and put them together and gave as a Christmas present to our children....a legacy of faith...

I noticed you can still get the leaders guide and the kits in Amazon, even at better prices than when I got them...

It made us think back into childhood experiences that molded us, our parents, our God entered our lives...

Yes, it was well worth the time...

Thank YOU for the puzzle pieces you have placed into our lives which make us who we are...thank YOU as well for prompting us to do things we might pass by ....

Proverbs 13:22a A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children.....

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