Saturday, July 9, 2016


Birdbath ....

I have a natural stone birdbath outside my kitchen window. It gets fed by the sprinkler system, by rain and snow.   Many different kinds of bird congregate there from time to time, each taking their turn in the water....sometimes quail or doves...other times sparrows or finches...starlings...each by their own kind...I never see a mixture...which is kind of interesting...

This morning as I was washing my dishes, there was a family or flock of eight common finches either in the water or around the edge...drinking, bathing, fluffing or just sitting...some would test their toes in the water, while others would go full fledge into it...dunking and fluffing over and over again...finally sunning themselves in the sun...

(As you can see, I am easily entertained...)

This first flock was followed by starling and later by doves, each taking their turn...each with their won reminded me of my father talking about Saturday night the kitchen, in a wash tub...first one boy, then the next until all had taken their dreaded turn...
Or even when my children were small, the "most"  nightly ritual of scrubbing them off, playing in the or two at a time...splashing, giggling, and even sometimes complaining until the water had cooled and it was time to towel off and get ready for bedtime stories ...and finally, bed...

My birdbath usually has water year this sight is seen fairly often throughout year...God is using me to water His small creatures...I appreciate being In the chain of helps...knowing that He who knows about the sparrows, knows about me...

Thank YOU....

Matthew 10:29, 31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

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