Saturday, July 30, 2016

Garage saling..l

Garage saling...

Part of our family is holding a garage sale this adventure ...

When you hold one, you either really want to get rid of unused items at a reasonable price, ready to bargain, or almost give away, ....or you aren't quite sure if you want to give it away and your prices are a little more than people want to pay...and you pack it back up to store for future sales or "use"... How much will you bargain with customers and how much do you want to store ... How long has it been since I used it? Is it just taking up space ? Will I miss it if I get rid of it? It is a family heirloom? These are question I  ask myself either when I am sorting. Or even when I am buying..

I love to go to garage sales, though...but, then I have to ask, what do I really "need"??? Anymore, I go with a particular list in mind...things I am really looking for, things that will get used up quickly, things that fulfill a certain purpose...all at good prices, of course...

I thought this article interesting in negotiation ...

Psalm 119:37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life
according to your word.

Thank YOU for the fun of garage saling, but help me keep my eyes ever on You...what is really me do what glorifies you in all that I do...whether in garage  sales  or living moment by moment or the words or actions that come forth..

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