Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Lined with cedar...

Lined with cedar...

After almost 20 years of marriage, we were blessed to be able to design and build our own home on some beautiful ground that we had searched for. The  ground was green pasture year around with a spectacular view of mountains towering to 11,000 + feet into the sky...the clouds and big sky made each view a panorama of awe inspiring beauty...

My father in law gave us a cedar tree to cut down, saw into boards to line the interior of this house, some rooms were lined with maple as well, while others were faced with paneling which our children picked out ...but the bulk was lined with cedar. The outside was covered with irreplaceable old growth redwood...not to be found very many places...but we found it at a lumber yard which was going out of business...so we had cedar as a reminder of my husband's family and redwood as a reminder of mine (I grew up partly in the redwood forests of Northern California).

We used rocks collected over the years of my husbands...some from mines around the state of Nevada, as well as specimens handpicked by him..plus bricks from my grandmother's  home in California. A menagerie of "found" items...fir logs for ceiling beams, used cabinets to be replaced when we could..even used carpet to be replaced later as well...it was a work in progress over the years....after all the work we out into it, we only lived in it  two years with all of our children...but they all remember those years fondly...we put a lot of love into it as well as sweat and labor...it was later used as a "cabin" for a wealthy absentee landowner, a retreat for a church group, guest house, a home for several families as they built their homes, and finally another family who remodeled it to their liking...all enjoying the views, the peace and quiet of the area as well as the pasture for a variety of animals..horses, sheep, cattle, goats...

It wasn't a temple as in the Old Testament, but housed a lot of love for the Creator....

Thank YOU...for the opportunity to make memories ...in the house that You provided from so many places...

 1 Kings 5:10 In this way Hiram kept Solomon supplied with all the cedar and juniper logs he wanted,

1 Kings 6:15 He lined its interior walls with cedar boards, paneling them from the floor of the temple to the ceiling, and covered the floor of the temple with planks of juniper.

Proverbs 31:14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.

I know this refers to food, .....but we talked about our house in this manner. So many things came from various locations, that we said our home like is verse....bringing from afar..

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